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31 December 2021 12:00 AM

Written with the Ink engine, a reflection on the past year.

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30 November 2020 12:00 AM

This year, this year of crisis, we are all learning the hard way. In this year's _Epoiesen_, we are fortunate to share the work of three scholars unafraid to tell their story of learning the hard way, of disguise and revelation. And of how they changed the story.

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10 December 2019 09:25 AM

I imagine a single site, a place of power in the landscape, evolving as the networks of power and ideology and imagination reconfigure around it over time, until it becomes ‘phygital’

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10 September 2018 09:25 AM

It's been nearly a year since we started this experiment, _Epoiesen_. While we had a fairly clear idea of what _we_ wanted the journal to achieve, it's worth stepping back and asking: what has this journal achieved? What kinds of things have we published? Have we lifted up other ways of engaging with the past? As a corollary, have we made space for new voices?