Titles are hyperlinked to articles.Author
- ama. 2024. Archaeology and Comics: First Response
- Bolin, Annalisa. 2022. No Pictures Accompany This Essay
- Bond, Sarah. 2017. en-counter-maps: Second Response
- Broccoli, Elisa; Chiara Bonacchi; Rebecca Jones; Manuel Fernández-Götz. 2023. Sketch-bridging the Past and Present to Craft the Future: Reflecting on the Archaeologies and Heritages of Roman Scotland Through Creative Storytelling
- Camp, Stacey. 2021. Hearing Corwin Hall: First Response
- Caraher, William. 2019. Assemblage Theory: Recording the Archaeological Record: Second Response
- Caraher, William. 2021. "Book Lover" and "House of the Deer": First Response
- Caraher, William; Michael Wittgraf; Wyatt Atchley. 2021. Hearing Corwin Hall: The Archaeology of Anxiety on an American University Campus
- Carter, William Michael. 2018. Interactive Mapping of Archaeological Sites in Victoria: First Response
- Clark, Terence. 2017. Remembering the Romans: First Response
- Cook, Katherine. 2018. Contains Scenes of a Graphic Nature: Sympathy for the Devil. Second Response
- Coyne, Juniper. 2017. Destory History
- Dal Borgo, Manuela. 2019. The Melian Dilemma: Remaking Thucydides: Second Response
- Dawson, Ian; Reilly, Paul. 2019. Messy Assemblages, Residuality and Recursion within a Phygital Nexus
- Dombrowski, Quinn. 2020. Classicist in Disguise: Second Response
- Ferraby, Rose. 2020. Walking from Dunning to the Common of Dunning: First Response
- Fitzpatrick, Alex. 2024. Ancient Egyptian Curses and Bog Bodies: Second Response
- Fitzpatrick, Alex. 2024. Side Quest Added: Video Game Mechanics and the Potential for Pseudoarchaeology
- Fragoulaki, Maria. 2019. The Melian Dilemma: Remaking Thucydides: First Response
- Given, Michael. 2020. Walking from Dunning to the Common of Dunning
- Godden, Emily; Rutherford, Jack; Lee, Rebecca. 2021. HOME BRICK: Exploring the Sensations of Home, Voice, and Brick Making
- Graham, Shawn. 2017. Truth and Beauty Bombs: Response 1
- Graham, Shawn. 2018. Editorial Note: Citation as an Act of Enchantment
- Graham, Shawn. 2019. Editorial Note: Everything is Phygital
- Graham, Shawn. 2020. Editorial Note: Disguise and Revelation
- Graham, Shawn. 2021. Editorial Note: The Fifth Year
- Graham, Shawn; Andrew Reinhard; Eric Kansa. 2020. Datacore
- Gray, Brenna. 2018. Contains Scenes of a Graphic Nature: Sympathy for the Devil. First Response
- Hale, Alex. 2024. Sketch-Bridging the Past and Present to Craft the Future: First Response
- Halmhofer, Stephanie. 2021. What's The Meaning of Stonehenge? Second Response
- Hanson, Rosemary. 2021. What To Do When The Dead Linger: Exploring Hauntedness as a Material Property of Objects
- Heckadon, Anna Esther; Kaylynne Sparks; Kayla Hartemink; Yip van Muijlwijk; Maddy Chater; Tamara Nicole. 2018. Interactive Mapping of Archaeological Sites in Victoria
- Holl-Valdez, Hailey. 2021. Now, Previously, and Afterwards
- Jones, Lori. 2022. Dermographic Opacities: First Response
- Jones, Lori; Augatnaaq Eccles. 2022. Discovering Oneself in the Study of History
- Kamash, Zena et al. 2017. Remembering the Romans in the Middle East and North Africa: memories and reflections from a museum-based public engagement project
- Kansa, Eric. 2017. Truth and Beauty Bombs: Response 2
- Langmead, Alison. 2017. en-counter-maps: First Response
- Laramée, François Dominic. 2017. Publish and Perish: Second Response
- Leary, Jim. 2023. Archaeologies of the Near Future
- Lindberg, Mary. 2021. About The Sacrifices
- Lindberg, Mary. 2021. Book Lover
- Lindberg, Mary. 2021. The House of the Deer
- Loyless, Alyssa. 2019. Visualizing the York Minster as Papercraft
- Marsillo, Cassandra. 2019. Visualizing the York Minster as Papercraft: First Response
- Martin, Kim. 2018. Interactive Mapping of Archaeological Sites in Victoria: Second Response
- McCall, Jeremiah. 2017. Publish and Perish: First Response
- McCall, Jeremiah. 2018. Path of Honors: Towards a Model for Interactive History Texts with Twine
- Mol, Angus. 2018. Path of Honors: First Response
- Morgan, Colleen. 2017. Truth & Beauty Bombs - The personal/political/poetics of online communication in #archaeology
- Morley, Neville. 2017. Destory History: First Response
- Morley, Neville. 2019. The Melian Dilemma: Remaking Thucydides
- Morley, Neville. 2021. What To Do When The Dead Linger: First Response
- Moshenska, Gabriel. 2021. What's The Meaning of Stonehenge? First Response
- Opitz, Rachel. 2019. Messy Assemblages, Residuality and Recursion within a Phygital Nexus: First Response
- Pálsson, Gísli and Oscar Aldred. 2017. en-counter-maps
- Przystupa, Paulina. 2024. Ancient Egyptian Curses and Bog Bodies: First Response
- Przystupa, Paulina F. 2024. Archaeology and Comics, with a Case Study Examining the Representation of Black Archaeologists
- Przystupa, Paulina F. 2024. Side Quest Added: Response 2
- Przystupa, Paulina F.; Halmhofer, Stephanie. 2024. Material Culture and Popular Culture: Archaeological Adventures Outside the Ivory Tower
- Purcell, Sean. 2022. Dermographic Opacities
- Reinhard, Andrew. 2017. Publish and Perish
- Reinhard, Andrew. 2019. Assemblage Theory: Recording the Archaeological Record
- Richardson, Lorna-Jane. 2022. Faculty Report from the Centre for 21st Century Digital Archaeology Studies
- Richardson, Lorna-Jane; Tony Pickering. 2021. What's The Meaning of Stonehenge?
- Rowe, H Laurel. 2018. Contains Scenes of a Graphic Nature: Sympathy for The Devil
- Saurette, Marc. 2018. Path of Honors: Second Response
- Sawula, Christopher. 2017. Destory History: Second Response
- Skallerup Bessette, Lee. 2020. Classicist in Disguise: First Response
- Smith, Jolene. 2019. Assemblage Theory: Recording the Archaeological Record: First Response
- Thompson, Erin. 2020. Classicist in Disguise
- Tully, Gemma. 2017. Remembering the Romans: Second Response
- Van Alst, Emily C. 2024. Side Quest Added: Response 1
- Verstraete, Emma. 2024. Ancient Egyptian Curses and Bog Bodies: The Role of Pseudoarchaeology in Tumblr's Subculture
- Whitaker, Katy. 2019. The Hunt for Bincknoll Chapel and the Public Archaeology Twitter Conference 3
- Pálsson, Gísli and Oscar Aldred. en-counter-maps 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.1
- Langmead, Alison. en-counter-maps: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.2
- Bond, Sarah. en-counter-maps: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.3
- Coyne, Juniper. Destory History 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.4
- Morley, Neville. Destory History: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.5
- Reinhard, Andrew. Publish and Perish 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.6
- McCall, Jeremiah. Publish and Perish: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.7
- Laramée, François Dominic. Publish and Perish: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.8
- Kamash, Zena et al. Remembering the Romans in the Middle East and North Africa: memories and reflections from a museum-based public engagement project 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.9
- Clark, Terence. Remembering the Romans: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.10
- Tully, Gemma. Remembering the Romans: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.11
- Morgan, Colleen. Truth & Beauty Bombs - The personal/political/poetics of online communication in #archaeology 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.12
- Graham, Shawn. Truth and Beauty Bombs: Response 1 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.13
- Kansa, Eric. Truth and Beauty Bombs: Response 2 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.14
- Sawula, Christopher. Destory History: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2017.15
- McCall, Jeremiah. Path of Honors: Towards a Model for Interactive History Texts with Twine 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.1
- Heckadon, Anna Esther; Kaylynne Sparks; Kayla Hartemink; Yip van Muijlwijk; Maddy Chater; Tamara Nicole. Interactive Mapping of Archaeological Sites in Victoria 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.2
- Carter, William Michael. Interactive Mapping of Archaeological Sites in Victoria: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.3
- Mol, Angus. Path of Honors: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.4
- Rowe, H Laurel. Contains Scenes of a Graphic Nature: Sympathy for The Devil 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.5
- Saurette, Marc. Path of Honors: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.6
- Martin, Kim. Interactive Mapping of Archaeological Sites in Victoria: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.7
- Gray, Brenna. Contains Scenes of a Graphic Nature: Sympathy for the Devil. First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.8
- Cook, Katherine. Contains Scenes of a Graphic Nature: Sympathy for the Devil. Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.9
- Graham, Shawn. Editorial Note: Citation as an Act of Enchantment 10.22215/epoiesen/2018.10
- Reinhard, Andrew. Assemblage Theory: Recording the Archaeological Record 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.1
- Morley, Neville. The Melian Dilemma: Remaking Thucydides 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.2
- Loyless, Alyssa. Visualizing the York Minster as Papercraft 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.3
- Dawson, Ian; Reilly, Paul. Messy Assemblages, Residuality and Recursion within a Phygital Nexus 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.4
- Smith, Jolene. Assemblage Theory: Recording the Archaeological Record: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.5
- Fragoulaki, Maria. The Melian Dilemma: Remaking Thucydides: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.6
- Opitz, Rachel. Messy Assemblages, Residuality and Recursion within a Phygital Nexus: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.7
- Whitaker, Katy. The Hunt for Bincknoll Chapel and the Public Archaeology Twitter Conference 3 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.8
- Marsillo, Cassandra. Visualizing the York Minster as Papercraft: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.9
- Caraher, William. Assemblage Theory: Recording the Archaeological Record: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.10
- Dal Borgo, Manuela. The Melian Dilemma: Remaking Thucydides: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.11
- Graham, Shawn. Editorial Note: Everything is Phygital 10.22215/epoiesen/2019.12
- Thompson, Erin. Classicist in Disguise 10.22215/epoiesen/2020.1
- Given, Michael. Walking from Dunning to the Common of Dunning 10.22215/epoiesen/2020.2
- Ferraby, Rose. Walking from Dunning to the Common of Dunning: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2020.3
- Skallerup Bessette, Lee. Classicist in Disguise: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2020.4
- Dombrowski, Quinn. Classicist in Disguise: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2020.5
- Graham, Shawn; Andrew Reinhard; Eric Kansa. Datacore 10.22215/epoiesen/2020.6
- Graham, Shawn. Editorial Note: Disguise and Revelation 10.22215/epoiesen/2020.7
- Caraher, William; Michael Wittgraf; Wyatt Atchley. Hearing Corwin Hall: The Archaeology of Anxiety on an American University Campus 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.1
- Holl-Valdez, Hailey. Now, Previously, and Afterwards 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.2
- Camp, Stacey. Hearing Corwin Hall: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.3
- Lindberg, Mary. About The Sacrifices 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.4
- Lindberg, Mary. Book Lover 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.5
- Lindberg, Mary. The House of the Deer 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.6
- Richardson, Lorna-Jane; Tony Pickering. What's The Meaning of Stonehenge? 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.7
- Moshenska, Gabriel. What's The Meaning of Stonehenge? First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.8
- Godden, Emily; Rutherford, Jack; Lee, Rebecca. HOME BRICK: Exploring the Sensations of Home, Voice, and Brick Making 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.9
- Hanson, Rosemary. What To Do When The Dead Linger: Exploring Hauntedness as a Material Property of Objects 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.10
- Halmhofer, Stephanie. What's The Meaning of Stonehenge? Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.11
- Morley, Neville. What To Do When The Dead Linger: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.12
- Caraher, William. "Book Lover" and "House of the Deer": First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.13
- Graham, Shawn. Editorial Note: The Fifth Year 10.22215/epoiesen/2021.14
- Purcell, Sean. Dermographic Opacities 10.22215/epoiesen/2022.1
- Jones, Lori; Augatnaaq Eccles. Discovering Oneself in the Study of History 10.22215/epoiesen/2022.2
- Jones, Lori. Dermographic Opacities: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2022.3
- Bolin, Annalisa. No Pictures Accompany This Essay 10.22215/epoiesen/2022.4
- Richardson, Lorna-Jane. Faculty Report from the Centre for 21st Century Digital Archaeology Studies 10.22215/epoiesen/2022.5
- Leary, Jim. Archaeologies of the Near Future 10.22215/epoiesen/2023.1
- Broccoli, Elisa; Chiara Bonacchi; Rebecca Jones; Manuel Fernández-Götz. Sketch-bridging the Past and Present to Craft the Future: Reflecting on the Archaeologies and Heritages of Roman Scotland Through Creative Storytelling 10.22215/epoiesen/2023.2
- Przystupa, Paulina F.; Halmhofer, Stephanie. Material Culture and Popular Culture: Archaeological Adventures Outside the Ivory Tower 10.22215/epoiesen/2024.1
- Verstraete, Emma. Ancient Egyptian Curses and Bog Bodies: The Role of Pseudoarchaeology in Tumblr's Subculture 10.22215/epoiesen/2024.2
- Przystupa, Paulina. Ancient Egyptian Curses and Bog Bodies: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2024.3
- Fitzpatrick, Alex. Ancient Egyptian Curses and Bog Bodies: Second Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2014.4
- Hale, Alex. Sketch-Bridging the Past and Present to Craft the Future: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2014.5
- Przystupa, Paulina F. Archaeology and Comics, with a Case Study Examining the Representation of Black Archaeologists 10.22215/epoiesen/2024.6
- ama. Archaeology and Comics: First Response 10.22215/epoiesen/2024.7
- Fitzpatrick, Alex. Side Quest Added: Video Game Mechanics and the Potential for Pseudoarchaeology 10.22215/epoiesen/2024.8
- Van Alst, Emily C. Side Quest Added: Response 1 10.22215/epoiesen/2024.9
- Przystupa, Paulina F. Side Quest Added: Response 2 10.22215/epoiesen/2024.10